Tehden ERP version 23.5.00 released 16.1.2024
sale/createSales payments[].note maximum length was increased from 100 to 500 characters.
invoicing/getFinvoicesForExternalSystem has new parameter: invoiceIds
Improvements and fixes to API documention
There were several errors in the description of the purchase/create endpoint before the fix.
Tehden ERP version 23.4.10 released 5.12.2023
Endpoint response (finvoice xml) has now new fields:
InvoiceRecipientPartyidentifier: recipient's VAT number
InvoiceRecipientCode: additional identifier for the recipient's company. This field is included only if the customer's information contains this data
Tehden ERP version 23.4.03 released 31.10.2023
Endpoint response (finvoice xml) has now new field: SubBuyerArticleIdentifier.
Tehden ERP version 23.4.02 released 24.10.2023
saledelivery/search response has new field: total_entries.
Fixed bug in endpoint company_customer/updateTehdenCustomer
Before the fix, the endpoint could throw an error if the vatstatus_id was empty.
Tehden ERP version 23.3.12 released 9.10.2023
Fixed bug in endpoint saledelivery/createAndDeliverSaleDelivery
Before the fix endpoint could end up to do picking from wrong stock.
Tehden ERP version 23.3.08 released 19.9.2023
Fixed bug in endpoint createAndDeliverSaleDelivery.
Before the fix endpoint gave an error in situation where the product bundle row was added, removed and added again. -
Fixed bugs in endpoints company_customer/createTehdenCustomerContactInfo and company_customer/createTehdenCustomerContactInfosetTehdenCustomerAddress
Before the fix endpoints did not validate correctly following fields: country, city, postalcode, streetaddress, streetaddress2 and streetaddress3.
Tehden API version v2308 released 12.9.2023
API version v2308
- We have now released the first version of the new API into production. The documentation for the new API can currently be found publicly at:
v2308 and old API will work side by side for now. - The documentation for the old API can still be found at:
Tehden ERP version 23.3.01 released 18.8.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint invoicing/getFinvoicesForExternalSystem
Before the fix endpoint gave an error if the invoice included the account product.
Tehden ERP version released 17.8.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows
Before the fix endpoint did not check product_id's before starting handling product bundles.
Tehden ERP version 23.3.00 released 15.8.2023
- saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows:
deliverypickuppoint was identified in two different ways (id / pupCode), depending on whether it was Posti or Matkahuolto.
pupCode has now been removed and only id is used. - Fixed bug in endpoint purchaseorder/create
Before the fix If the company did not yet have a delivery address ready and a purchase order is created, then the deliveryaddress_id remains null - Added new endpoint purchasedelivery/createPurchaseDeliveriesWithRows
- Added new endpoint purchasedelivery/search
Product bundles related changes:
product/createProduct has new field: showpackageitemsonprint.
product/updateProduct has new field: showpackageitemsonprint.
product/getProducts result has new field: showpackageitemsonprint (when producttype = producttype_productpackage).
product/getById result has new field: showpackageitemsonprint (when producttype = producttype_productpackage).
saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows now allows product bundles.
saleorderrow/createSaleOrderRow now allows product bundles.
saleorderrow/removeSaleOrderRow support now product bundles internally (e.g. product bundle row cannot be collected, product bundles have to be fully collected).
saledelivery/createSaleDeliveryWithRows support now product bundles internally (e.g. product bundle row cannot be collected, product bundles have to be fully collected).
saledelivery/createSaleDeliveriesWithRows support now product bundles internally (e.g. product bundle row cannot be collected, product bundles have to be fully collected).
saledelivery/createAndDeliverSaleDelivery support now product bundles internally (e.g. product bundle row cannot be collected, product bundles have to be fully collected).
Added new endpoint productBundle/getItemBundles
Added new endpoint productBundle/getItems
Added new endpoint productBundle/linkItems
Added new endpoint productBundle/unlinkItems - Matkahuolto Rahtipussi is now passivated:
saledeliverymethod/get response can be null if nothing is found.
purchasedelivery/createPurchaseDeliveryWithRows response can contain null purchaseorder, saledeliverymethod and saledeliverymethod_id (if no delivery method is specified for the purchase order)
Tehden ERP version 23.2.17 released 26.7.2023
- invoicing/getFinvoicesForExternalSystem:
Endpoint response (finvoice xml) has now two new fields: branchCode and branchName. - Fixed bug in endpoint sale/createSales
Before fix endpoint did not allow picking the sale order in several parts.
Tehden ERP version 23.2.14 released 4.7.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint shipment/createShipment
Before fix endpoint did not allow parcel group weight being less than the total weight of the articles.
Tehden ERP version 23.2.13 released 27.6.2023
- Added error message in endpoint saleorder/createSaleDelivery
Endpoint did not response with correct error message when customer was not chosen for sale order. - Fixed bug in endpoint sale/createErrorReceipt
API user identification failed.
Tehden ERP version 23.2.03 released 31.5.2023
- saledeliveryrow/getRows:
Endpoint response has now four new fields: ispackagechild, ispackage, parentcode, parentname. - Fixed bug in endpoint saleorder/createSaleDelivery
Before fix endpoint created extra sale orders and these were left in an incorrect state
Tehden ERP version 23.2.00 released 16.5.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint company_customer/updateTehdenCustomer
Now it is not possible to set vatstatus_id to customer if his VAT processing is not defined. - Fixed bug in endpoint saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows
Added more validation to check that products are not chosen from not allowed stocks. - Fixed bug in endpoint saledelivery/createSaleDeliveriesWithRows
This endpoint uses internally endpoint saledeliveryrow/getRows and therefore both endpoints had same bug. Earlier saledeliveryrow/getRows returned multiple times same row if product details were including clauses about dangerous items (UN codes) - Added new endpoint user/search
- purchasedelivery/createPurchaseDeliveryWithRows has now support for temporal shelving with temporalshelfcode parameter.
- batch/setSaleOrderAndRows, saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows and saleorderrow/createSaleOrderRow endpoints have isterminalsalecost parameter and this is now marked as depricated. New replacement for this is isinternalcost parameter.
New attribute isinternalcost to following endpoints responses:
batch/setSaleOrderAndRows, saleorder/getSaleOrderInfo, saleorder/searchSaleOrders, saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows, product/getById and product/getProducts. -
product/createProduct and product/updateProduct have new parameter: isinternalcost
Added new endpoint /sale/createErrorReceipt
purchase/createPurchaseConfirmation has new parameter in data->purchaseOrders->rows: orderAmount
Tehden ERP version 23.1.26 released 9.5.2023
- purchase/create had earlier purchasedetails as mandatory parameter
This mandatory was removed. - Fixed bug in endpoint product/getById
product_id was not validated correctly. - Fixed bug in endpoint purchase/search
filter.includerows parameter works now correctly.
Earlier false value returned also rows. - Fixed bug in endpoint sale/makePayment
Added more validation for paymenttype_id 16 and 4
Now these paymenttypes are not allowed if customer with accepted invoicing settings can not be found.
Tehden ERP version 23.1.21 released 20.4.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint saledelivery/search.
Function did not return waybill information if payment type in sale order was prepaid.
Tehden ERP version 23.1.18 released 3.4.2023
Fixed bug in endpoint sale/search.
In some situations sale/search did not return countrycode -
Fixed bug in endpoint purchaseorder/patch.
purchaseorder/patch returned error if you tried to update purchase order status to same as current status.
Tehden ERP version 23.1.14 released 21.3.2023
- saledelivery/search filter has new option: saleOrderId
- sale/search include parameter has new options and response has more information
- sale/createSales response has more information
- settlement/createSettlements response has more information and some mandatories were removed relating to parameters
- settlement/search response has more information
- settlement/createReconciliations has new parameters and response has more information
- moneystorage/search has new parameter and this is added also into response: identifier
Tehden ERP version 23.1.13 released 14.3.2023
- Changes in endpoint saleorder/getDefaultCustomer response field names.
Function returned field names with snake case althoug API documentation used camel case. - Fixed bug in endpoint sale/search.
In some situations sale/search returned same rows multiple times
Added also sale.invoiceactor_id into result
Tehden ERP version 23.1.12 released 10.3.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint productstock/search.
Pagination parameter did not work. - Fixed bug in endpoint saleorderrow/patch.
Function did not trim line breaks from the beginning
Tehden ERP version 23.1.07 released 23.2.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint invoicing/getFinvoicesForExternalSystem.
Amounts were calculated incorrectly if consolidated invoice contained several invoices.
Tehden ERP version 23.1.02 released 16.2.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint saledelivery/createSaleDeliveriesWithRows.
In some situations customer order numbers were saved incorrectly.
Tehden ERP version 23.1.00 released 15.2.2023
- Fixed bug in endpoint product/getAllProducts.
If request had webstore:false it did not exclude products having availableonline: "t" from response. - More detailed error message when saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows is called with a customer_id that belongs to a deleted customer
- company_customer/createTehdenCustomer and company_customer/updateTehdenCustomer:
Endpoints give error if business ID, einvoiceaddress or einvoiceoperator is offered to a personal customer.
Endpoints responses has now two new fields: note and alertnote. - Added new endpoint sale/search
- sale/getStockByBranch response has now two new fields: isowner (branch_stock.isowner) and external_id (stock.external_id)
- Added new endpoint saleorderrow/patch
Added new endpoint purchaseorder/patch
Added new endpoint purchaseorder/removeOrder
purchaseorder/get response has now new fields: requestpurchaseorder_id, deliverymethod_id, othercodes ([n].rows[n].product)
- productstock/search filter has new option: external_id
- productstock/search response (stock object) has new fields: stocktype_id, isselfservice, external_id and supplier_id
- Added new endpoint supplier/getOwnBranchSupplierByBranch
- saleorder/getSaleOrderInfo has new parameters: include_rows_stock, include_rows_producttype
- Added new endpoint saleorder/patch
- Added new endpoint saleorder/getDefaultCustomer
- product/getById and product/getProducts have new parameter: include
- Added new endpoint paymenttype/getList
- Added new endpoint saledelivery/search
- Added new endpoint moneystorage/search
- Added new endpoint settlement/search
- Added new endpoint settlement/createSettlements
- Added new endpoint settlement/createSealedSettlement
- Added new endpoint settlement/createReconciliations
- Added new endpoint sale/getExternalSources
- sale/search has new parameters: externalSourceDataEndTime, externalSourceDataReferenceIds, externalSourceDataStartTime, include parameter has new option: externalsourcedata
- Added new endpoint purchasedeliverymethod/get
- saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows has new parameter: deliverymethodaddon_ids
- purchaseorder/create has new parameter: deliverymethodaddon_ids
- shipment/createShipment has new parameter: deliverymethodaddon_ids
- shipment/createPurchaseShipment has new parameter: deliverymethodaddon_ids
- saledeliverymethod/getAll has new parameter: include
- saleorder/getSaleOrderInfo response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
- saleorder/searchSaleOrders response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
- purchaseorder/get response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
- purchaseorder/search response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
- saledeliverymethod/get response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
- saledeliverymethod/getAll response has new field: deliveryMethodAddons
Improvements and fixes to API documention
Specified descriptions, added default values and field limits:
Tehden ERP version 22.4.13 released 24.1.2023
- Changes in endpoint salerow/createSaleRow.
For product packages the product package products are also added to sale.
Tehden ERP version 22.4.09 released 3.1.2023
- Changes in endpoint product/getByID response.
Images object has new field named as description. Picturerank and order fields have same information but order is now marked as deprecated. - Changes in endpoint purchaseinvoice/create.
Purchaserow object has more detailed description and childpurchaserows are now handled correctly.
Tehden ERP version 22.4.07 released 13.12.2022
- Changes in endpoint invoicing/getFinvoicesForExternalSystem parameter exportxml. Fields RowVatExcludedAmount, UnitPriceNetAmount and UnitPriceAmount in XML-file have now five decimal places according to Finvoice validation.
Tehden ERP version 22.4.06 released 7.12.2022
- Added custompurchaseordertypenumber to purchaseorder/search endpoint response
Tehden ERP version 22.4.03 released 22.11.2022
- Added new endpoint price/getPricesForProduct
- Added new parameter customfield1 to saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows
- Added new parameter isterminalsalecost to saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows and saleorderrow/createSaleOrderRow endpoints
- Removed unused value purchaseordertype_id: 6 (= Shared order) from purchaseorder/create endpoint
- Added attribute deliverydate to puchasedetails and rows parameters in purchase/create endpoint
- Added attribute deliverydate to data and data.rows parameters in purchase/createPurchaseConfirmation endpoint
- Added deliverydate to purchase/get, purchase/search, purchaseorder/get and purchaseorder/search endpoints responses
Tehden ERP version 22.3.18 released 8.11.2022
- Added validation in saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows endpoint
- relates to advance payments and payment terms
- read more from here.
Tehden ERP version 22.3.10 released 21.9.2022
Improvements and fixes to API documention
- Marked parameters coordinates and note deprecated in company_customer/getCustomers endpoint
- Added response documentations to several company_customer endpoints
- Removed Timeslot header from navigation
- Specified descriptions in several endpoints
Tehden ERP version 22.3.8 released 13.9.2022
- New attribute mainpaymenttype_id to invoicing/getPaymentTerms endpoint's response
- Parameter lastname no longer required in company_customer/findCustomer endpoint
Tehden ERP version 22.3.0 released 23.8.2022
- Removed endpoint timeslot/getMultiBookingReservations
- New attribute staffnote to saleorder/searchSaleOrders endpoint's response
- New attribute staffnote to saleorder/getSaleOrderInfo endpoint's response
Improvements and fixes to API documention
- Marked parameters required in reservation/createReservation and reservation/cancelOrDeleteReservation endpoints
- Fixed company_customer/createTehdenCustomer documentation
- Specified descriptions in several endpoints
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