Use Case
Discounts for a product can be given both in euros and percents. The discount can be set for a single sale row or the total amount of the sale. When giving a discount for a sale row, the given discount is visible in euros and percents on the receipt. If you give discount from the total amount of the sale, the discount is deducted from the amount and the discount is not visible on the receipt.
Free shipping for a customer can be placed on the sales order with endpoint saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows and parameter isbranchpaying. This parameter determines the freight payer when the order is shipped: branch (true) or customer (false). Omitting this property or providing it as null means that the sale delivery method determines the freight payer.
Used Endpoints
salerow/createSaleRow Possible to give discount for a sale row or a whole sale in euros.
saleorder/createSaleOrderAndRows Possible to give discount for a sale row in euros and percents. Free shipping for a customer can be set with parameter isbranchpaying..
Example 1
Create a sale row to the sale and give discount from the total amount of the sale.
Add products to the sale.
The sale rows are registered in receipts, referrals page, and the Not invoiced page as consolidated invoices, i.e. sales that are awaiting invoicing.
Example 2
Sales order and rows created with discounts and free shipping.
Discounts are visible on Tehden UI in euros and percents in sales orders.
Free shipping is visible in delivery method page.
Screenshots from the user interface are in Finnish because a large part of our customers use Tehden in Finnish.
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