Use Case
The customer has placed an online store order, and the sale is registered in referrals. The referrals are in this case consolidated invoices, i.e. sales that are awaiting invoicing on the Not invoiced page. The invoice can be imported from the Not invoiced page, and you can set the payment term, the value date, etc. The referral is also visible in receipts and on the referrals pages.
First, create a sale and then create sale rows to the sale. When sale rows are created, you can create the sales order and the invoice. The invoice is a referral until it is invoiced.
Used Endpoints
sale/createSale Create a sale. Returns sale_id which is needed next.
saleRow/createSaleRow Create sale rows to the sale. Returns salerow_id.
invoicing/createSalesOrderFromSale Create sales order from sale. Returns salesorder_id and payment_id.
Screenshots from the user interface are in Finnish because a large part of our customers use Tehden in Finnish.
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